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How Does A Church Grow? | Acts 2 by Rev. Dr. Soong Chan Rah
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How Does A Church Grow? | Acts 2 by Rev. Dr. Soong Chan Rah

Persecution, Prayer, Peace, & The Power | Acts 12:1-11 by P. Brian
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Persecution, Prayer, Peace, & The Power | Acts 12:1-11 by P. Brian

The Power To Be A Witness by P. Brian Lee | 04072024 Sunday Sermon
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The Power To Be A Witness by P. Brian Lee | 04072024 Sunday Sermon

Cultivate A Heart of Gratitude by P. Fernando Panlencia | 20231119 Sunday Sermon
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Cultivate A Heart of Gratitude by P. Fernando Panlencia | 20231119 Sunday Sermon

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